Vayu Maini Rekdal Speaking at TEDxCarleton College Conference, October 12th

26 Sep

The Northfield Kitchen

Dear Friends and Family,

October 12th is a big day for me and my home institution, Carleton College, in Northfield, MN. On that day, Carleton College is hosting an all-day TEDx conference that brings together students, alumns, and friends of the college to share inspiring experiences, stories, and knowledge. I am one of the speakers.

Drawing on my experiences from food education, high-end restaurants and cutting edge scientific research labs, I will present new perspectives on cooking and science. As an aspiring ‘kitchen scientist’ and food leader, I believe that the often-neglected interrelationship between science and cooking will be key in solving many local and global issues in modern society. The TEDx team has created a small teaser for my talk, which you can view here:

I invite you to join the conference, either virtually or in person. To register, please sign up on the following website ASAP…

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